
断轮回 - Breaking the Cycle

共 8,243 字,需阅读 21 分钟2021/09/12 下午3,575 次阅读



Sometimes you will feel terrible, because you will make a mistake. That mistake may cause bad consequences at that moment, so you have enough reasons to punish yourself. There is an invisible sword stabbing your heart.

这是很多人对待自己的方式,这是很多人掉入轮回的方式 - 自责(你无法原谅你自己)。

This is the way many people treat themselves, this is the way many people fall into samsara - self blame (you can't forgive yourself.)


In fact, blame is aggravating a certain self. It brings that way into some kind of rationalization, which is why many people miss the deep awakening. So people say: wrong should be punished.


Wrong should be punished. There's a subtle escape, and if you can't be quiet inside, you won't hear.

这也是人们为什么喜欢讲道理,而不喜欢说感受的原因。这就像膝跳反射(Knee-jerk Reflex),你敲击到那个位置,它就会惯性的反应你,它无法被改变,那是它的局限,它很无趣也很可靠,你敲击它,它就会按照既定的路线回应你。而真正的你却不同,它藏着一个很大的秘密,如果你不深入很里面,你无法知道。

That's why people like to reason rather than feel. It's like knee jerk reflex. When you hit that position, it will react to you. It can't be changed. That's its limitation. It's boring and reliable. When you hit it, it will respond to you according to the established route. But the real you are different, it hides a big secret, if you don't go deep inside, you can't know.


It's easy to turn and turn in samsara. It's made like that. You're used to it. You don't think it's a problem. People rarely notice what's wrong with it. Yes, it really has no problem, because it remains dead.



If you don't really look at it, you won't see that you are changing clothes all the time, but the soul under that clothes has never changed.


The way of suffering has been inherited for thousands of years and has never changed. If you cannot go deep into your pain, your soul will remain asleep. So people say: isn't this life? It's normal.


Yeah, you're just used to your clothes. You think that's you. Unless the lightning of pain breaks through your clothes, you will still shuttle between the clothes, so back and forth. You can't really see a more powerful and shining you.


In fact, life is never either one or the other. All those seemingly unrelated people and things are closely connected or even seamless in a certain dimension. However, we have been using a narrow mind to understand the vast galaxy universe.


This is what we have been doing, we are keen to define, to judge, to put on a label that we like, or to put on a name that we hate. We miss the true nature of things in the definition, superficial.



You have to find your own truth in you. It's your own flame.


You can't do it by others, you have to do it by yourself, so don't run away. Interestingly, you can't run away either. Inertia always pulls you back to the origin again and again.


So I will remind you once again: you must find your own truth in you, that is your own flame.


Use it to burn all the chains that bind you: so-called beliefs, so-called values, self-awareness, the definition of authority, and so on. There is no other direction except this one. This is the only way.


Before reaching the true self, you must burn the false self. When you do this, you will be sad, you will be helpless, you will be confused, at the same time, you will also usher in the joy of calm with tears.


You will find that all the great people you know have been here. All those past specious truths become clear and transparent.Like glazed light.



People always say that sentence easily: I don't want it! I don't want it! I don't want it! So, the power of rotation is turned on again.


Every time we resist, we become the force of circulation again - karma.


What we have been resisting always brings us back to the task of facing and integrating, the unfinished task.


It's easy to escape, to close your eyes and not see, to hypnotize yourself in your mind that it has never happened, and to numb your nerves with foreign objects (food and color).


But the monk can't run away from the temple; I can't avoid the first day of junior high school.


That's why we're here. Here are our unfinished homework and homework. It's about love and integration.


It's time to face up to this problem: about how to love, about how to face it, about how to let go of prejudice, about learning how to build a bridge between binary opposites (right and wrong).



As for stopping the power of flow, you must learn to let go of the idea that I want to be better than others. Or: others have better ideas than themselves.


Behind the idea that I want to be better than others, and behind the comparison, there is a desire to prove that I am worthy of love.


This is a false proposition. What you exist is love. Why do you have to work so hard to prove it?


This sentence needs to be repeated: what you exist is love. Why do you have to work so hard to prove it?


Who can really define you but yourself? Therefore, the key to the problem is not whether you love yourself, but how to heal the heart wounds behind the false beliefs.


Wound will never understand the truth, so preaching is meaningless. This is also a lot about the problems in education, you can't cure a person by preaching. It doesn't work.


You have to have medicine, you have to live out love, so that you can wake up. Two sleeping people can't wake each other up.



You shouldn't be here, you should be there.


You've been missing, missing out on the people and things that really matter to you.

去拥抱爱人,对自己心心念的人说出 “我想你” 这简单的三个字。

Go to embrace your lover and say "I miss you" to the person you love.


Accompany the most intimate person to cook the most common meal.


Give your most sincere kindness to a stranger.

对曾伤害过的人说一句 “对不起”。

Say "I'm sorry" to someone who's hurt.


As a result, you get one reason after another for regret and guilt.


You have thousands of reasons to throw stones of regret in the pond of life.


You don't know you lost the most precious gem in your life, don't you think.


You never seem to question your stubbornness and inferiority.


You're doing what you think is right.


So back and forth.


Again and again you miss the real awakening and liberation.


So, you regret with another reason to continue to flow: next time I will not miss! another time!

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